Macaos Enterprise - Build 125
- 0000370: [Other] No image comes up , if board has Vcut , but if Route is deselected , image show up. (kim) - resolved.
- 0000371: [Import] Specify solder masks on both sides of a single layer board (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000369: [Import] Difference between Publish Product and Save Product is unclear (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000368: [Import] Possible to close Stackup Selection dialog box without selecting stackup (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000331: [Import] Missing change of layer color (kim) - resolved.
- 0000334: [Rem] File Path for some older product not found (kim) - resolved.
- 0000367: [Import] Extra hyphen added to file names (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000366: [Import] Import of gerber file with very small arcs fails with Invalid Operation (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000357: [Import] Import of Gerber file with incorrectly defined outline macro fails with a floating point error (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000360: [Import] Import of gerber file with zero-extent polygon fails with access violation (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000363: [Import] Autolink fails when opening Elprint zip file (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000333: [Import] when Closing the text windows , user is ask if he want to clear data (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000280: [Import] Unplated holes should be displayed as a circle with X rather than just an X (kim) - resolved.
- 0000332: [Import] Innercontour(d80) in Viewer is not found as a cutout . (kim) - resolved.
- 0000337: [Order] Non Plated Drill holes looks like squares in Enterprise viewer , (kim) - resolved.
- 0000338: [Import] Non Plated holes looks like X without a ring (kim) - resolved.
- 0000355: [Import] Floating point error when stepping a board (kim) - resolved.
- 0000356: [Import] Zeroline pads disappear after Gerber parsing (kim) - resolved.

Macaos Enterprise -
- 0000279: [Import] Aligning drill to gerber gives erratic response (kim) - resolved.
- 0000324: [Order] Start costs do not get included in price when order is placed (kim) - resolved.
- 0000323: [Rem] OrderByMacaosID is not inserted into order table (kim) - resolved.
- 0000285: [Import] Error messages in flattener are too cryptic. (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000286: [Import] Cannot select 0-layer stackups (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000287: [Import] When adding user layers, the selection menu always says User Layer 0 (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000288: [Import] Autolinking doesn't work on standard Gerber files (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000289: [Import] Need to emphasize stackup selection more clearly (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000290: [Import] Aperture table parser fails to parse annulus and thermal apertures (bruce) - resolved.

Macaos Enterprise -
- 0000275: [Rem] Macaos license should be marked active when user logs in (kim) - resolved.
- 0000276: [Rem] Price lists have wrong display name (kim) - resolved.
- 0000277: [Order] Product information not completely displayed (kim) - resolved.

Macaos Enterprise -
- 0000267: [Rem] System uses incorrect price lists (kim) - resolved.
- 0000269: [Import] Active layer drop-down list is to wide (kim) - resolved.
- 0000270: [Other] Choosing cancel during login does not prevent access (kim) - resolved.
- 0000268: [Import] Cannot align drill with gerber on single layer boards (kim) - resolved.
- 0000271: [Other] Server location during autoupgrade should be hidden (kim) - resolved.
- 0000272: [Other] Viewer is unable to connect through proxy (kim) - resolved.
- 0000274: [Order] News/Info tab should be hidden (kim) - resolved.
- 0000273: [Order] After panelization, user must manually refresh to see the panelized product (kim) - resolved.

Macaos Enterprise -
- 0000266: [Other] Unable to connect through proxy when installing (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000265: [Import] Unable to publish (kim) - resolved.

Macaos Enterprise -
Initial public release.