Product Browser Improvements

New product specifications and statistics

Numerous product parameters have been added to the Macaos system. This will improve online pricing and quality control. See the Import Module section (below) for a complete list.

Specify time interval for "Recent" folders

The time interval (in weeks) for a product to be included in the Recent Orders, Shipped Orders or Recently Published folders may be specified in the Tools|Options dialog box.

Product shares

If a product is shared, the product share information is shown at the bottom of the Product Specifications column.

The Shares context (right-click) menu has been restructured to make share management easier.

Drill tool list

For PCB products, a complete drill tool list is shown together with the product specifications and stackup diagram.

Video tutorials

Video tutorials for using Macaos Enterprise may be found with the Help|YouTube video tutorials menu command

New viewer functions

  • d Highlight minimum width lines on each visible copper layer
  • a Highlight minimum annular ring pads on each visible copper layer
  • o Toggle show only centerline/outline of objects

Order placement improvements

Order packaging options

Two packaging options have been added to the Macaos system.

  • Package in accordance with IPC-1601 (antistatic, humidity sensor, dessicant, etc)
  • Specify quantity boards per vacuum package

Place text

Allow text on notation layers to be placed within boards in a panel

Quotation quantities

When getting price quotes or placing orders for panels, the order quantity is always the number of panels. But it is now possible to specify number of boards, which will automatically be converted to number of panels in the price grid

Import module improvements

New product specifications:

  • board type: rigid, flex, rigid-flex, metal-based-board
  • depth routing
  • flex stiffener (flex, rigid-flex only)
  • cover layer  (flex, rigid-flex only)
  • thermal conductivity (metal-based-board only)
  • via fill type
  • flexible layers (rigid-flex only)
  • carbon print
  • kapton tape
  • countersink
  • half-moon holes
  • microvias
  • plated slots
  • beveled edge (with angle and backoff)

New product statistics:

  • holes/dm2
  • minimum non-plated hole/edge to copper clearance
  • qty routs
  • minimum rout tool diameter
  • total rout length
  • estimated weight
  • number of test points (solder mask openings)

Product options

  • Performance class 2, 2+ or 3
  • Impedance control to be done by manufacturer
  • Do not allow manufacturer marking on board
  • Do not allow copper shaving from board edges

New viewer functions

  • d Highlight minimum width lines on each visible copper layer
  • a Highlight minimum annular ring pads on each visible copper layer
  • o Toggle show only centerline/outline of objects

Custom stackup definition

  • It is now possible to indicate if a dielectric layer is core or prepreg in a custom stackup.
  • It is now possible to indicate that a dielectric layer is flexible
  • It is now possible to indicate that the thickness of a dielectric layer is impedance critical

Alignment of pick and place files

When aligning pick and place files, only the visible layer(s) will be moved. In this way, it is possible to make separate adjustments for top and bottom sides.

Panelization improvements

Place text

Allow text on notation layers to be placed within boards in a panel

Graphical remarks

Add graphical remarks to a panel.

Stencil improvements

Show potential errors

The stencil creator checks for stencil openings that do not appear to be consistent with the original stencil data. This could be due to the original openings having been reduced by the board designer, or because the stencil creator was not able to locate the correct reference pad on the copper layer. If potential errors are found, they can be highlighted for inspection.

Automatic fiducial detection

If the stencil data contains objects that appear to be fiducials, these are automatically detected and can be easily marked as fiducial or deleted. The same is true for stencil fiducials in a panel frame defined in the panel module.

Edit/split rotated shapes

The pad shape editor now works on shapes with any rotation factor.

Transfer objects from any layer

It is possible to copy objects from any layer to a stencil layer.

Assembly Data Manager

The Quick Help button opens a web page with step-by-step guidelines for generating an RFQ for Assembly.

Bill of Materials (BOM)

Before processing, a hint window reminds the user to specify column headers.

After processing, the rows of the output BOM are green if a single match is found, or yellow if multiple product matches are found.

Pick and Place Data Export

(Available only in Pro version for participating EMS providers)

Specify column order, coordinate units and separator character when exporting PnP data. May include part number and package footprint from BOM.