Macaos Trading System is designed to manage the logistics of PCB sales and manufacture between multiple organizations. It gives each organization an overview of their part of the process and provides a platform for transfer of information throughout the process.

Work Order StatusWork Order Status

Work Order Status

The Work Order Status view gives a quick and orderly overview of the status of work orders as they move through customizable mileposts to completion. Operators at the respective organizations sign off as each milepost is completed, giving a complete history of the acquisition and production processes.


Work OrdersWork Orders

Work Orders

The Work Orders view gives a summary of work orders. Links to order confirmations, invoices, shipment tracking data, QA documents, etc provide concise access to all of the data necessary for managing supply chain flow.


Incoming orders

This view lists orders placed by customers through Macaos Enterprise. An incoming order may be sent directly to a manufacturer by generating a Work Order. Alternatively, the incoming order may be mixed together with other orders, using the Macaos PCB Factory Production Planning module, after which a work order is generated for the "mix."