Macaos Enterprise allows PCB designers and purchasers to easily manage their PCB acquisition needs.

Order browser
Order browser

Order Browser

The Order Browser allows you to browse all of your PCB and Stencil products for product details, order history, etc. Products may be sorted into customizable project folders for easy searching.


Import Module
Import Module

Import Module

The Import Module is used to read Gerber and drill files into the system and "compile" them into a PCB product. Each input file is automatically mapped to it's board layer, based on pre-defined or customizable filename filters. A WYSIWYG viewer shows your board just as it will be interpreted by the manufacturer. Once the PCB has been "published" to the system it will appear in the Order Browser, ready for panelization and/or purchase.


Panelization Module

Panelization Module

The Panelization Module allows you to quickly step up a PCB board to a panel (array) suitable for assembly. You can easily add features to the panel, such as:

  • Break-off tabs
  • Fiducial marks
  • Tooling holes
  • Break-off holes
  • Bad marks
  • Copper fill
  • Text

A WYSIWYG viewer shows your panel just as it will be interpreted by the manufacturer. Once the panel has been "published" to the system it will appear in the Order Browser, ready for purchase.

The product sharing features of Macaos Enterprise allow a board owner to share the board with an EMS supplier. The EMS supplier can then panelize the board in a manner suitable for their processes, either for quotation purposes or to place an order for production.


Quotation Module

Quotation Module

The Quotation Module gives you access to online price quotations. Select multiple board quantities and delivery times in order to choose the quantity/delivery/price combination that suits your needs. Once you have selected your desired price, your order can be placed with just a few mouse clicks.


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