Users of MACAOS v3.85 should find the transition to Macaos Enterprise relatively easy. The biggest change is that your imported board (product) must be "published" before it can be ordered.

Changes to user interface:

  • Use the Macaos Enterprise Import Module to carry out the tasks that were done on the Convert page of MACAOS v3.85. These include parsing Gerber and drill files, linking files to board layers, specifying drill tool diameters, and defining the board contour.
  • The Board Specifications dialog box is used to specify parameters found on the PCB Specification page of MACAOS v3.85.
  • In Macaos Enterprise you must publish your product before you can get quotations or place an order.
  • Use the Macaos Enterprise Quotation Module to obtain price quotations for your product after it has been published. This corresponds to the Quotation page of MACAOS v3.85.
  • Choose a quantitiy/delivery/price combination and click on the Add to Basket button in the Quotation Module to place your order. This corresponds to the Order Placement page of MACAOS v3.85.

Enhancements in Macaos Enterprise:

  • Support for Extended Gerber files with complex aperture macros, filled polygons, etc.
  • Configurable automatic linking of files to board layers
  • Product browser with order history, etc
  • Simply step up a board to a panel (array)
  • Create and order solder mask stencil products

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