Getting started

Getting started Bruce Wed, 05/02/2007 - 14:28


Sign up on the Get Macaos Enterprise page.

You will receive download and login information by mail. Once you receive the info, simply download and run the setup program.

Note: All requests are checked manually, and only during normal working hours.

Note: If you don't receive a mail from Macaos Support, you should check if it has been captured by your spam filter.

Each time you start Macaos Enterprise, it checks if a newer version is available and automatically updates itself, if necessary. You must always use the latest version to have access to all functionality.

Product browser

The heart of Macaos Enterprise is the Product Browser: a simple interface that allows you to view and organize your PCB and related products in a way that allows you to do what you need to do with them.

If you are a new user, then you will not yet have any of your own products in the system, but there are a few PCB products in the Global products folder. These are products which anyone may use or purchase; typically kits for student projects. Click on the product name to view the product specifications. Click on one of the tabs at the bottom of the viewer pane to see the graphic view or production/order history. See the Product browser chapter.