Macaos Gallery 2.6 (September 2021)

Macaos Gallery 2.6 (September 2021) Bruce Thu, 07/28/2022 - 13:21

IPC-D-356 Test Pad Data

With this release, we add support for bare-board test pad data. Most CAD systems are able to generate test pad data in IPC-D-356 format. Including this data together with your Gerber and Drill files is not just an advantage for the manufacturer when testing bare PCBs, but it also makes several operations in Macaos Enterprise quicker and easier.

  • Import module: If an IPC-D-356 file is included in the batch of files to be imported, it will be automatically detected, imported and linked to the Test pad top and Test pad bottom layers. Each testable point (typically bare copper pads and plated holes) is imported together with its designator, pin number and net name. If necessary, the test pad layers may easily be aligned with the Gerber layers.
  • Assembly data manager (EMS version only): If test pad data was not imported at the time the product was created, it may be added to the product in the ADM. A Merge function matches test pad data to the product's components, automatically identifying component footprint outlines and key pins, where possible.
  • Test fixture designer (EMS version only): When creating a test pin, if a test pad exists at that point, then the designator, pin number and signal name will be copied from the test pad.
  • Solder paste stencil creator: When test pad data is available, then it is possible to match stencil openings to component footprints. The footprint editor can easily modify all shapes in a footprint symmetrically. This can also be done in a single operation on all components having the same footprint.

Assembly Data Manager improvements (EMS version only)

In addition to adding support for test pad data, we have made additional tweaks to streamline ADM usability. Our goal is to make the process of verifying PnP and BOM data as quick and painless as possible. Here's a list of the tweaks:

  • Ctrl+Alt+Click on a component in the viewer to locate that component in the component list
  • Right-click on a component instance and select Change part number of instance to edit the manufacturer part number of that instance. This function is intended for use if an instance inadvertently gets grouped together with other non-matching components.
  • Component alerts: In the PnP and BOM import dialog boxes, there are now check boxes in the component lists. Setting a check mark causes that component instance to be flagged with an "Alert." After import, the flagged components will show with bold red text in the component list. Right-click on a component instance to toggle the alert on or off.
  • We have added buttons at the bottom of the Component Properties pane to highlight the selected component instance, or all instances of the selected component. If test pad data is available, then the instance's pads may also be highlighted.
  • In the component search dialog box, we have added check boxes to the search results list, which are used for selecting the manufacturer part number and alternates.
  • In the component search dialog box, we have added an additional search text field.
  • When importing a BOM, if marking capacitors or resistors as Equivalent or better, it is now possible to specify individual components (by designator) which should not be marked.

Other improvements

  • Import module: You can now right-click on a drill file (in the drill files list) to toggle all tools in the file between plated and non-plated.
  • Test fixture designer (EMS version only): We have added Test fixture drawing and Test fixture annotation layers to improve fixture documentation. The Test fixture drawing layer shows all test pins with a symbol (for the receptacle size) and a text (for the pin head style, if specified). Guide pins are shown with a large cross and a letter indicating the pin function. The Test fixture annotation layer shows all test pins with a cross and a text with the Des-Pin of the test pin (if specified).
  • Test fixture designer: It is now possible to export the test circuitry PCB in DXF format.