Macaos Gallery 1.5 (February 2017)

Macaos Gallery 1.5 (February 2017) Bruce Tue, 05/30/2017 - 09:55

Test fixture improvements

Fixture specification

When creating a test fixture, you may choose a fixture suitable for one of the Macaos test jigs, or specify your own dimensions.

The fixture designer supports two kinds of lower fixtures:

  • Flat: A single sheet of fixture material with holes drilled in it for test pins. Test pins are wired to connectors in the base of the test jig.
  • Box: A low profile box with test pins in the top plate of the box. Test pins are wired to connectors mounted in the side walls of the box.

Macaos test jigs are supplied with a generic upper fixture allowing for flexible placement of press pins. In case of more specific needs, an upper fixture may be designed by selecting the lower fixture and then opening the test fixture designer.

Text may be placed on the fixture as desired. Text may be rotated in 90° increments.

When a box-style fixture is designed, then connector openings may be placed in the box walls as desired. Choose from pre-defined connector sizes, or specify your own opening. Connectors may be deleted by right-clicking on the list of connectors.

Pin placement

When placing pins you may choose a Macaos pin style, or specify your own hole diameter. Test pins must be placed on pads or holes. Guide pins must be placed on holes. Press pins and support pins may be placed at any location.

When placing test pins, if more than one pad/hole is selected, the pin will be placed at the center of the selected pads/holes.

Z-axis visualizer

The Z-axis visualizer shows vertical spacing of fixtures, PCB, guide pins and test pins, both with the test jig handle up and down. The drawing is dynamic, automatically updating in accordance with your specifications. Select from Macaos test/guide pin types or specify your own pin dimensions.

The drawings are stored with the test fixture data when you publish the fixture. Note: You must view both the up and down drawings in order for both to be stored.

Test accessories

Test jigs, test pins and related accessories available for purchase from

Import module improvements

Contour specification

Depth routing: When specifying inner contours or track routing, a routing depth from the top or bottom side of the board may be specified.

Quick contour selection: Press the "Q" selection button to create a contour object from a selection rectangle. This is a quick way to define a rectangular outer contour in cases where only corner marks have been provided.

Select pads: Pads may be selected to define slots by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting. It is not possible to select pads and lines in the same operation.

Ferrite layers

Ferrite Top and Ferrite Bottom have been defined for use with sheets of ferrite material to be added to a PCB.

Proteus link filter

An additional link filter has been added for use with newer versions of Proteus.

Stencil module improvements

Adjust stencil opening size by height and/or width

Openings may be adjusted by a percentage of their height and/or width (instead of or in addition to adjusting them by a percentage of their area).

Stencil types

A number of additional stencil types (for licensed frame patterns, etc) have been added.

Stencil options

Options for polished hole walls, coating of hole walls and protecting/strengthening stencil edges have been added.

Viewer improvements

A status bar at the bottom of the product viewer indicates if the view has been rotated or mirrored.


Pro version improvements

The visual appearance of the quotation module has been changed somewhat. Check boxes for quantities and lead times have been moved to the left and top edges of the price grid.

An expanded price engine allows for more flexible calculation of prices for a wider variety of product parameters.

Improved support for exchange rates and holidays.

Panel drawings may be included with quotations.