Macaos Perception 1.0

Macaos Perception 1.0 Bruce Mon, 09/02/2013 - 11:10

Build (22-10-2014)
New features:
- 0002929: [Product] Show more company info when changing product owner
- 0002876: [Product] Product publisher name and cert docs should show in product history
- 0002887: [Order] Supplier list - sorting and filter as in Convergence

Build (21-08-2014)
- 0002846: [Quote] Uncheck No-X out when disabling it for non-panel products
- 0002845: [Status] Updated Gerber reader/writer to Gerber revision J3
- 0002830: [Viewer] Pick and Place data is not correctly cached in some cases
- 0002842: [Viewer] Graphical error when displaying corner tabs on sides with zero frame width

Build (23-07-2014)
New features:
- 0002789: [Order] Add Countersink holes as parameter in OC
- 0002832: [Search] Should be able to copy list to clipboard on search and stats lists
- 0002801: [Macaos] Save button is not activated when editing a Macaos user
- 0002790: [Quote] Peeloff is NO even when peeloff bottom is checked
- 0002829: [Search] Trim the pasted text before performing a search

Build (24-06-2014)
New features:
- 0002774: [Order] It should be possible to change qty shipped on delivery order line
- 0002781: [Product] Support for Gerber files with RS-274X2 file attributes
- 0002773: [Product] Inactive surface finishes unavailable in quote dialog

Build (19-05-2014)
- 0002750: [Other] "Unexpected Class ID encountered: CTMifPoint" when viewing new mixes

Build (24-04-2014)
New features:
- 0002753: [Quote] Product's @OC params are shown in quote dialog
- 0002688: [Product] Show customer's custom stackups in stackup chooser
- 0002755: [Product] Stackup thickness/material does not display in quotation

Build (02-04-2014)
- 0002731: [Product] Cannot edit custom stackup with non-standard prepreg combination
- 0002739: [Quote] Improved display of quotes forwarded from MC

Build (27-03-2014)
New features:
- 0002717: [General] Add help text for @OC comment parameters
- 0002721: [General] Add icons for Huason, MIM 1 and MIM
- 0002687: [Order] Orders placed on price list 15 (SW-Mix) show as production site Brandner
- 0002690: [Product] Update varlist id=11 when changeing board specs
- 0002707: [Product] In Edit product, don't disable the Comment button
- 0002718: [Order] Clicking "order history" in Product tab on a product not belonging to you office, won't show order history
- 0002716: [Order] Order confirmation: @OC product comments do not work as expected
- 0002695: [Macaos] SQL error if user has not published any products

Build (28-02-2014)
New features:
- 0002686: [General] Allow hiding editor pane

Build (26-02-2014)
- 0002683: [General] Show list count in history lists of detail panes
- 0002679: [Customer] Context menu items should not be enabled when list is empty
- 0002668: [Order] Position summary bar cell widths do not match tree cell widths
- 0002682: [Search] Product list Owner/Publ columns don't change detail pane as expected
- 0002684: [Statistics] Customer summary copy to clipboard and summary bar include hidden items

Build (28-01-2014)
- 0002631: [General] Add option to disable showing/loading todays orders on startup
- 0002635: [Search] Should not initiate search when changing compare by dropdown list
- 0002636: [Order] Warn after deleting price line to regenerate OC
- 0002634: [Customer] In Company info tab, in the Macaos list, add "Send download info" to popup menu
- 0002650: [Statistics] Add post code column to Macaos statistics
- 0002651: [Statistics] Weekly report should be shown in office's currency rather than NOK
- 0002639: [Search] Search on company returns all companies
- 0002649: [Statistics] Macaos Statistics does not give correct activity quantities if start/end dates are the same
- 0002652: [Statistics] Conversion from NOK to office's currency is calculated wrong in Annual Overview and Office Overview

Build (14-01-2014)
New features:
- 0002621: [Search] Additional ways to search for shipped orders
- 0002625: [Order] Adding stencil product to basket closes dialog
- 0002627: [Search] Shipments: Add production site column
- 0002629: [Search] Warn if searching for a number or product number when search text is invalid
- 0002626: [Search] When searching for a product belonging to another office, it should show all details

Build (23-12-2013)
New features:
- 0002611: [Viewer] Ctrl+Alt+Click on hole to open padstack viewer
- 0002607: [Viewer] Allow rotate view to rotate 0/90/180/360 degrees
- 0002606: [Viewer] Add vertical scroll bar to help tab in layer list
- 0002599: [Viewer] Allow toggle between normal and cross-hair cursor
- 0002594: [Viewer] Show product specs and tool list for mixes
- 0002601: [Order] Warning text does not display properly when trying to save order
- 0002610: [Product] Product specs not updated in quote dialog after edit/save

Build (06-12-2013)
New features:
- 0002593: [General] Add "Change campaign text"
- 0002596: [Order] Expanded capabilities for order confirmations
- 0002489: [Viewer] For multi-product panels, show Product number layer
- 0002242: [Viewer] Make screendump from Viewer directly
- 0002190: [Viewer] Mirror and/or rotate view

Build (29-11-2013)
New features:
- 0002589: [Order] Create vacuum package in Mark As Shipped
- 0002582: [Order] When making quotation, discount factor should be shown from customer's price lists
- 0002565: [Order] Make it possible to change Sold by in the context menu for the order
- 0002587: [Search] Search for customers by post code
- 0002583: [Statistics] Add filtering to Macaos Licenses in Statistics window
- 0002590: [General] Do not embed fonts in Order Conf or Quotation PDFs. Right-click on button to embed fonts
- 0002581: [Order] Show time in timestamp column
- 0002586: [Order] Incorrect newline in order confirmation
- 0002585: [Order] New button in wrong position
- 0002564: [Order] Order currency does not match quotation currency if non-standard currency chosen in quotation
- 0002568: [Search] Filter with article# doesn't work
- 0002567: [Search] Filter shows the wrong product after paste

Build (24-10-2013)
New features:
- 0002531: [Order] Extract an invoice page and mail it to the customer in one operation
- 0002551: [Product] List of tool diameters added to product viewer
- 0002530: [Search] The invoice search should have hyperlink(s) to the applicable order/position(s)
- 0002529: [Order] Do not allow replace product if some position info is missing
- 0002555: [Viewer] Drill sizes missing from very old products
- 0002554: [Viewer] Buried via layers not shown as drill layers

Build (27-09-2013)
- 0002498: [Order] Do not pre-select supplier if unknown
- 0002499: [Search] Add icons for Ronghui and Multilayer
- 0002494: [Search] Add factory name in hint for Factory column
- 0002488: [Search] In search pane, Shipments, add link to track and trace for tracking numbers
- 0002487: [Search] Add more info about shipments for each product in the mix viewer
- 0002507: [Order] Some info not displayed when adding a position to an order
- 0002515: [Product] Cannot locate target company when changing product owner
- 0002501: [Product] Multi-word folder names are displayed incorrectly

Build (06-09-2013)
- 0002484: [General] On Customer stat pane, it's not possible to use the filter function of search pane
- 0002486: [Order] Filename missing when attaching stackup drawing to order confirmation
- 0002485: [Statistics] Stats pane, Orders tab, kr/dm2 column does not summarize properly

Build (05-09-2013)
- 0002479: [General] Do not automatically load product history/stock lists
- 0002477: [Order] Do not show OC on Save order
- 0002478: [Product] Do not ask for confirmation if "Not yet CAM" selected
- 0002476: [Order] Comment button does not work
- 0002480: [Search] Search check box states for Order searches get changed by Shipments searches

Build (03-09-2013)
New features:
- 0002247: [Order] When sending OC's add possibility to add paste data
- 0002474: [Search] It should be possible to filter a search results list by a date range
- 0002464: [Product] Prefill article and description when making product variant
- 0002465: [Product] Fusion mixes do not show in Mix history list
- 0002466: [Product] Product info missing from TOC in Layout document set when sent with quotation
- 0002472: [Search] Switching search pane when in Customer stats pane causes invalid date error
- 0002475: [Search] Divide by zero error if summarizing empty search list
- 0002473: [Statistics] Customer Summary filtering does not always update

Build (21-08-2013)
New features:
- 0002383: [Search] Company, Products: Add "order history" hyperlink
- 0002438: [Search] Company: Search for company by customer or VAT number
- 0002401: [Search] In stats pane Customer tab, add address field
- 0002402: [Search] Company: indicate if a company has several departments
- 0002422: [Search] Orders: Add hyperlink to mix viewer
- 0002454: [Search] Orders: Add stackup and specifications columns
- 0002456: [Search] Customer: clicking Macaos company should load Macaos details
- 0002043: [Order] Add detailed stackup in order confirmation
- 0002425: [Order] Add context menu "Viewer" to order lines
- 0002458: [Order] Show estimated weight in position lines
- 0002388: [Product] View/save layout drawing set
- 0002453: [Product] Make variant of product
- 0002415: [General] Too many click to refresh lists
- 0002423: [General] When in Edit mode, make CTRL+S save the changes or CTRL+R reset edit mode
- 0002413: [Order] "Hidden price mod" or "Price mod hidden"
- 0002420: [Order] In order confirmations, Quantity for eg. Panel stepping is 0. Should be 1
- 0002437: [Product] It's not possible to change number of layers in stackup selection
- 0002403: [Search] If in stat pane-Customer tab, when selecting a different search pane-tab, load/update info
- 0002414: [Search] The filter function does not update when checking checkboxes or clearing search text
- 0002392: [Macaos] If a Macaos user is inactive, you can't send download info or copy log in to clip brd
- 0002395: [Order] If Change supplier menu is opened, but nothing is chosen, then supplier gets set to Waiting-Prepaid
- 0002412: [Order] Right click below the position detail items in the eltree causes Access violation
- 0002394: [Product] Stackup drawing and documentation set do not get attached to quotation mail
- 0002405: [Product] Non-public surface finishes do not show properly
- 0002406: [Product] Product checkboxes do not work (peel-off and scoring)

Build (14-06-2013)
New features:
- 0002318: [General] Add new company search functionallity
- 0002319: [General] Add filter functionality to history lists
- 0002329: [Order] Add right-click function to change shipment date without having to go in edit modes
- 0002367: [Order] "Add new position(s) job overview" check box when placing an order
- 0002332: [Product] Add calculations to edit boxes for drill count
- 0002338: [Product] Make it possible to unmark as panelized by office
- 0002355: [Product] Pre-select recipient for quotation email
- 0002333: [Search] Right-click on a line in search list (product/order/ship/quote) to copy product number
- 0002374: [Search] Add more info to the top right product list. Surface and icons for non standard colors, gold, scoring etc
- 0002380: [Search] Allow filtering of search lists
- 0002377: [Search] Do not make auto-search
- 0002327: [Order] Stencil orders should be set to Musen Laser as supplier
- 0002328: [Order] Supplier list should be sorted as it is in MC, with the most used suppliers first
- 0002352: [Order] Pre-select shipping method by sales office
- 0002375: [Order] Weeks in DatePicker (From factory/to customer) starts with Sunday instead of Monday
- 0002376: [Order] When placing orders Customer and Factory dates must be set to the same date
- 0002342: [Search] Quotation list price list column is missing header text
- 0002346: [Search] Panelized single board has wrong product icon
- 0002325: [Customer] Bottom Customer tab should not re-load data when tab becomes active
- 0002326: [Order] In edit positions, the save button is not activated if ship date is changed
- 0002330: [Order] Stencil orders get "Non UL fab. accepted" as order comment
- 0002337: [Order] Price details are shown incorrectly
- 0002354: [Order] Cancel freight while in edit mode fails and deletes the order
- 0002369: [Order] Order Save button should not be enabled when in Edit mode for Position
- 0002351: [Product] More|Change Owner does nothing