
Products bjarte Thu, 05/03/2007 - 09:38

Our products are designed to meet needs across the PCB supply chain. We have stand-alone and cloud-based solutions for each market segment.

PCB designer
EMS provider
Stand-alone systems Macaos Gallery PreCAM
Cloud-based systems


A rich feature set gives PCB designers, EMS providers, purchasers, hobbyists, or anyone involved in electronics development the tools they need to move from a single PCB layout to a finished product.


Macaos Gallery provides all of this functionality in a stand-alone environment. All of your product files are kept on local (or network) storage, so you have complete control over your IP. Products may be easily exported to fully documented Gerber/Drill for transfer to the PCB manufacturer of your choice. Price €250 for Basic version, €3000 for EMS version. Click here to order a free 30-day evaluation.


Macaos Enterprise adds an online PCB market and community. In addition to instant price quotations for most PCBs, you can order PCBs, custom mechanical parts, test fixtures and accessories, depanelization fixtures, and more.

Macaos Enterprise supports collaboration. For example, a design bureau can upload their finished layout and assign its ownership to their client. The client may then submit an RFQ for assembly to participating EMS providers. The EMS provider could then panelize the board while preparing their quotation for the assembly job. All of this with a single, production-ready data set in a secure cloud-based service.

Macaos Enterprise is available at no cost to the end user. It is sponsored by participating PCB suppliers. For this reason, there is a nominal download fee if you wish to export Gerber data suitable for manufacture by an external supplier. Click here to become a user.



Macaos Gallery PreCAM is the ideal Pre-CAM solution for PCB manufacturers, resellers and traders. It adds a powerful price calculation and quotation generation functionality to Macaos Gallery, allowing you to respond to RFQs within just a couple of minutes. Price €5000/yr. Click here to order a free 30-day evaluation.


We provide PCB suppliers/resellers who participate in The Macaos Enterprise System with the tools they need to manage their online market. In addition to Macaos Enterprise, the system includes:

Contact us at if you are interested in joining the system.


Note: Our post-CAM tools are intended for PCB manufacturers. They are not suitable for users without access to a PCB manufacturing line.


Macaos RapidCam allows a PCB manufacturer to step up a single board or panel to a production panel and generate process documentation and production data files for their specific machines, typically in less than 5 minutes. Click here to order a free 30-day evaluation.

Product feature comparison

Product feature comparison Bruce Wed, 03/27/2019 - 10:46
Feature Macaos Enterprise Macaos Gallery1
  Basic EMS Basic EMS PreCAM PreCAM+EMS
PCB Product import
Import Gerber and drill files for board product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import ODB++ data for board product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Define stackup for board product with drawing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import product specifications from Gerber Job File Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import product specifications from existing product Yes Yes No No No No
Add symbols to imported board product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Location of product storage2 Macaos
PCB Panelization
Panelize board product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Add tooling holes/slots, fiducial marks, bad marks, text Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Add test coupon (registration, impedance) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Script-based automatic panelization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-product panelization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Panel drawing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Assembly and components
Create solder paste stencil for board product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Add assembly mask data to PCB product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import/Edit Pick-and-Place and Bill of Materials (BOM) data Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Integrated component search (powered by Octopart) Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Export Pick-and-Place and Bill of Materials (BOM) data No Yes No Yes No Yes
Component price estimator (powered by Octopart) No Yes No Yes No Yes
Create test fixture for board product Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Request quotation for assembly (EMS) Yes No No No No No
Receive RFQ for assembly from Macaos Enterprise user No Yes No No No No
Pallet creation
Design a full or selective wave solder pallet Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Generate milling program for solder pallet Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Purchase finished solder pallet Yes Yes No
Generate milling program for depanelization of panel product Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Create depanelization fixture for panel product Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Purchase depanelization fixture Yes Yes No
Quotations and orders
Get online price quotations Yes Yes No No No No
Place order online Yes Yes No No No No
Order and production history with documentation Yes Yes No No No No
Order connectors, test jigs and other accessories Yes Yes No
Order custom mechanical parts Yes Yes No No No No
Calculate price from Gerber Job File or CircuitData specifications Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Calculate cost and retail price of PCB No No No No Yes Yes
Generate quotation for PCB to customer No No No No Yes Yes
Quotation archive No No No No Yes Yes
Create/modify price lists for PCBs No No No No Yes Yes
Additional functionality
Generate technical drawings of product Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Export product to Gerber/drill files Pay per
Pay per
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Share products with partners Yes Yes No No No No
Initial license Free €250/mo €250 €3000 €5000/yr €6500/yr
Software maintenance (annual after first year; optional) Included Included €100 €1500 Included Included
Users included   Up to 5 1 1 1 1
Additional users (per user)  
€800/yr €1000/yr
  Macaos Enterprise Macaos Gallery1
  Basic EMS Basic EMS PreCAM PreCAM+EMS

1 Users who manufacture, sell, trade, or broker bare (unpopulated) printed circuit boards must license Macaos Gallery PreCAM. Macaos Gallery Basic version or Macaos Gallery EMS version will not be licensed to such users. This limitation also applies to CAM/Engineering service providers (e.g. Pre-CAM or Quotation services) for such users.

2 Macaos Enterprise is sponsored by PCB resellers, who have access to product data for purposes of generating quotations and fulfilling orders. With Macaos Gallery, all of your product data is stored in your local system and is not visible to any other parties.

Macaos price list

Macaos price list Bruce Mon, 03/18/2013 - 12:48


Macaos Enterprise


Macaos Enterprise is sponsored by PCB suppliers, who have access to product data for purposes of generating quotations and fulfilling orders. For export of product data to non-participating PCB suppliers, see the Export Product Data service.

A subscription to the Receive RFQs for Assembly service includes Macaos Enterprise EMS version.


Macaos Gallery Basic

€250 for a single user on a single computer. Includes one year of software maintenance. Click here to purchase.

€100 for an additional year of software maintenance (per license). Click here to purchase.

You must contact Macaos Support if you need to move your license to a new computer.

Users who manufacture, sell, trade, or broker bare (unpopulated) printed circuit boards must license Macaos Gallery PreCAM. Macaos Gallery Basic will not be licensed to such users. This limitation also applies to CAM/Engineering service providers (such as Pre-CAM or Quotation services) for such users.


Macaos Gallery EMS

€3000 for a single user on a single computer. Includes one year of software maintenance. Click here to purchase.

€1500 for an additional year of software maintenance (per license). Click here to purchase.

You must contact Macaos Support if you need to move your license to a new computer.

Users who manufacture, sell, trade, or broker bare (unpopulated) printed circuit boards must license Macaos Gallery PreCAM. Macaos Gallery EMS will not be licensed to such users. This limitation also applies to CAM/Engineering service providers (such as Pre-CAM or Quotation services) for such users.

Macaos Gallery PreCAM

€5000 per year

Includes one named user on one computer. Includes software maintenance for all users.

€800 per year for each additional named user at the same site.

Macaos Gallery PreCAM+EMS: The EMS modules (Assembly Data Manager, Pallet Designer, Depanel Fixture, Test Fixture) are not normally available in Macaos Gallery PreCAM. The additional price for access to these modules is €1500 per year for the first user and €200 per year for each additional user.

Contact Macaos Support if a named user needs access from more than one computer.

Macaos RapidCam

Price to be determined.

Macaos RapidCam is currently in a development/testing phase. Users may download an evaluation version for unrestricted use until the final release of version 1.0. Users who actively participate with feedback during the development/testing phase will receive a 50% discount on the license fee for the first year after release of version 1.0.

The Macaos Enterprise System

Contact Macaos Support for pricing.


Receive RFQs for Assembly from Macaos Enterprise users

After insuring that a product has PnP and BOM data, a Macaos Enterprise user may send an RFQ to participating EMS providers. The EMS provider is notified by e-mail, and has access to the product data within their Macaos Enterprise.

A subscription to this service includes a Macaos Enterprise EMS license and a small banner advertisement on the Macaos Enterprise welcome page. 

Price: €250 per month

Price with unlimited export of product Gerber data: €5000 per year

Receive RFQs for PCB products from Macaos Enterprise users

When enabled, each time a Macaos Enterprise user gets an online price, an RFQ is automatically generated and sent by e-mail. The e-mail attachment may be opened directly in Macaos Gallery Pro, allowing for rapid generation of a quotation to the requester.

This service is only available to Macaos Gallery Pro users. Contact Macaos Support for pricing.

Export product data from Macaos Enterprise

Download of product data files from Macaos Enterprise is a pay-per-use service. 

Macaos Enterprise is sponsored by PCB suppliers, who make the application available at no cost to their customers. For this reason, there is a cost for extracting data from the system that could be used to purchase from competing suppliers.

Note: If a product has been previously purchased, then the data files for download have been processed by a manufacturing engineer, and are considered to be production-ready.

The service is initially disabled, so that users will not inadvertently incur download charges. If the service is enabled, it will be available to all users in the company, and the company will be responsible for all download charges incurred.

Download charges are as follows:

  • €40 per product for the first 5 products downloaded in a calendar month
  • €20 per product for the next 15 products
  • €10 per product for the next 50 products
  • Maximum €1000 per month

If a product is downloaded more than one time within a calendar month, it will only be invoiced once. However, if a product is downloaded again in a different calendar month, the download will be invoiced again.

Macaos invoices at the end of each calendar month where a download has taken place. The invoice will be generated in PDF format and sent by e-mail.

The download service will be enabled on request. The request must include the company's invoice address, VAT number, and an e-mail address to receive the PDF invoice. Send your request to Macaos Support.

The download service may also be disabled on request.