Quotations and the Shopping Basket

Quotations and the Shopping Basket Bruce Wed, 05/02/2007 - 15:43


Product prices depend not only on the technical specifications and characteristics of the product, but also on how many items you want and how soon you want them. To help you decide how many and how soon, you can view a matrix of prices for the selected product based on quantity and days. Note: Days are factory working days, and do not include weekends or holidays.

The product specifications are shown at the far left of the Quotation module. For PCB products, there is a list of order options on the Options tab of the product specifications. Set a check mark by any of these options, if required. These options will usually result in a higher price for the order. Note: You can specify default settings for some of these options with the Configure|Options command in the main window.

Check off one or more quantities and one or more working days to specify the matrix column and row headers. Then click on the Get Price button. The requested prices will be calculated and displayed in the matrix. To select a quantity/days value other than those shown, click on one of the Click texts and enter the desired quantity/days. Note: Lead times of 20 days or more are calculates as weeks rather than days.

You can view prices in the matrix as total price, item price, or price/dm² by selecting the appropriate radio button (above the Get price button). If the product is a panel of several boards, then you can also view price per panel in the matrix.

Clicking on a price in the matrix causes the price breakdown and shipment information to be shown below the matrix. Right-click in the price breakdown to copy all prices to the clipboard.

Prices are shown in the currency listed beneath the matrix (beside the quotation number).

Note that the shipment date is the date the order is to be shipped from the manufacturer (not necessarily the date the order will arrive at its destination).

Click on (Print) button to view the quotation in a format suitable for printing, e-mailing or saving in PDF format. Note: The default PDF file may not be readable on some (especially linux-based) systems. To generate a quotation with embedded fonts, right-click on the print button.

User-specific features

The availability of the following features depends on agreements between your company and your sales office or supplier.

Modifying product specifications: Setting a check mark by Change product specs for quote, allows you to modify the specifications and see how changing one or more parameters will affect the price. Alternatively, you can import product specs from a CircuitData (https://www.circuitdata.org) file or a Gerber Job file (https://www.ucamco.com/en/file-formats/gerber/gerber-job-file). Note: If you need this feature, please contact your sales office.

It is not possible to add a product to the shopping basket if the product specifications have been modified. So be sure to remove the check mark before placing your order.

Filtering by PCB supplier: If supported by your sales office, there is a list of suppliers between the product specifications and the quantities check boxes. When calculating prices, only prices from suppliers with a check mark will be calculated. In this way, you can exclude individual suppliers, if desired. Click on a supplier name to view a description of the supplier. Note: If you need this feature, please contact your sales office.

Offline suppliers: An offline supplier is a supplier who does not provide online price lists to Macaos Enterprise. If one or more agreements exist between your company, an offline supplier and Macaos, then a list of offline suppliers is also shown. If you set a check mark by an offline suppler, then a Request For Quotation (RFQ), including all necessary product specifications, will be sent to the supplier by e-mail. The supplier should respond by e-mail with their quotation after processing your RFQ. Note: If you desire this feature, please ask your offline supplier contact Macaos at suppor@macaos.com.

Shopping basket

Once you have selected your desired quantity/days/price combination, click the Add to Basket button. In the Select delivery address and contact person dialog box, select a delivery address for the product. You must also select a contact person.

If the desired address is not listed, use the Add Company button to add an address to the list of Additional addresses. When adding an address, you should specify whether the address is valid for delivery or invoicing (or both). You must also add a contact person to the new address, by using the Add contact person button.

The More options button makes it possible to view inactive addresses and contact persons.

Clicking on the OK button adds the order to the Shopping basket at the bottom of the Quotation module. Additional orders may be added to the Shopping basket, either by selecting another quantity/days/price combination for the current product, or by locating a new product and getting a new price quotation for that product.

Discounts may be available for certain products when they are ordered for delivery together with PCBs. In such cases, the discounted price and discount percentage are shown in the basket list.

Check Out

Once your Shopping basket is full (or at least as full as you want it to be), you can complete your order by clicking on the Check out button.

In the Select invoice address and contact person dialog box, select an invoice address for the product. You must also select a contact person. (Note: Partner addresses may not be selected for invoicing unless the partner has enabled you to place orders invoiced to them. Your partner must do this in their Partner Manager.)

In the Commit Order dialog box, review your order details and (if desired) enter a requisition number.

You may also add a comment to the order. If a comment is added, then the order can not be processed automatically, which may lead to some delay in processing the order. Comments should therefore be avoided if they are not absolutely necessary.

You must confirm that you have reviewed and agree to the terms and conditions of sale.

If the shipment date for a product is affected by holidays at the supplier, the shipment date is shown in red and you must confirm by choosing one of the following:

  • I accept the shipment date: The expected shipment date, including the delay due to holidays, is acceptable.
  • Contact me about alternatives: The sales office will contact you to discuss alternatives. Alternatives are usually either a shorter production time or a different supplier; both of which will increase the price of the product. Your order will not be sent to production until an agreement has been reached.

Finally, click on the Place Order button to place the order.